The Book Mentor

The Book Mentor

You can Publish your Book

“I won two Independent Publisher Book Awards. I know what it takes to create a professional looking book. Let me help fulfill your dreams.”

Markus Taylor

The Book Mentor

You can Publish your Book

“I won two Independent Publisher Book Awards. I know what it takes to create a professional looking book. Let me help fulfill your dreams.”

Markus Taylor

Self-Publishing on Amazon

Steps for everything needed to publish your book on Amazon.

Format Book to Print on Demand

I will format your book to the Amazon Print on Demand softcover format.

Create a Proof for Local Print Shop

I will create a proof to order a coil-bound book from your local print shop.

Touchup Work on Cover

Changes to your POD cover; blurb updates, increase/decrease spine, etc.

Copy Editing Lesson

Through a Zoom or Teams Meeting I will show you how to copy edit your book.

Convert Word doc to eBook Format

Configure your book to the standard Amazon eBook format and resize cover.

Converting Documents to PDF

I will convert anything you need to PDF, or teach you how to do it yourself.

Live Publishing Walkthrough

I will walk you through live as you publish your eBook or Print on Demand Book.

Create a Web Site for Your Book

I will create a web site using your Novella theme, domain, and hosting site.
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Mark Grant
Project Manager
“ Augue sed viverra nulla Interdum mia bibendum lerisqu ictuam tincid nec feugi ugue tincidunt esutiamum diam ruoa turpis Nuncsed Augueed viverra nulla Interdum Quis egestas felis eu fermentum adarcu suscipit quis ut gravida dolo. ”
Jesse Doyle
Project Manager
“ Augue sed viverra nulla Interdum mia bibendum lerisqu ictuam tincid nec feugi ugue tincidunt esutiamum diam ruoa turpis Nuncsed Augueed viverra nulla Interdum Quis egestas felis eu fermentum adarcu suscipit quis ut gravida dolo. ”
Shay Harper
Project Manager

Markus is a recent widower. He started this venture to bring joy into his life by helping writers become published authors. Alki Beach, West Seattle is where he calls home, but he lives in his imagination.

He is a two-time Independent Publisher Book Awards winner:
2019 for Pop Secrets.
2022 for The Mirror’s Touch.

Contact us

We value your feedback, inquiries, and interactions. Whether you have questions about our services, need assistance with an order, or simply want to connect, we're here to help. Your communication is important to us, and we look forward to hearing from you.